Sunday, September 28, 2008

Night Time for Nappy

(MySpace photo)
I learned that the R&B/blues singer Nappy Brown died last week. I realize I am once again stretching the geographic focus of Toggle Switch by posting about this. And I don't care. I know that Nappy -- who was based in Charlotte, N.C. -- played in Hampton Roads at least once over the last 14 years. He played Goodfellas in Hampton about 5 years ago, if my memory serves. While I always knew that Nappy was a beloved figure down in North Carolina, I had forgotten until I read his New York Times obituary that he wrote "(Night Time) Is the Right Time" -- truly an R&B classic. Ray Charles had a big hit with the tune, but I learned about it through the J. Geils Band version. But it's been covered by everybody and his brother. Even Norfolk's own Crums did a version last time I saw them.
I'm sorry that I never heard Nappy live. Anyone who can write a song like that and also maintain a live career over five decades gets my admiration.
Brown's MySpace page contains a nice tribute by friend and collaborator Bob Margolin.

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