Thursday, September 4, 2008


The Kung Fu Dykes are a Hampton Roads band that mixed new wave with heavy metal. At least that's my memory. It had been a long time since I'd heard much of their music, so I listened to a couple of newer songs on MySpace and that confirmed my recollection. I'm happy to report that it looks like they're becoming semi-active again. I believe at least one member attended the recent Tidewater Alternative Music Subculture reunion in Chesapeake. And tonight, I saw a bulletin saying the band is playing with Metal Blade recording artists Soilent Green in Danville, of all places. I'm glad that the Dykes are playing again. And I'm glad to see that Danville has some kind of a metal scene going. If there's any place that dark, menacing, morbid music would make sense it's Danville -- where the textile/tobacco economy has been on the skids for years.

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