Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Twigs and the Helix

(D. Charles Speer with Tele and unidentified accompanist/MySpace)

I'm back from an eventful Thanksgiving weekend -- so forgive me for my lame reposting of a MySpace bulletin from the Black Twig Pickers. This house party is exactly the sort of event that makes me wish I was living in Roanoke with my old buddy Punk Rock Jimmy as my turkey-pinging, deer-slaughtering neighbor ...

[Addendum: This update was posted Tuesday:

hey folks​,​ sorry​ to assau​lt yr scree​ns:​ There​'​s been a late-​game chang​e with the D. Charl​es Speer​ & the Helix​/​Black​ Twig Picke​rs show on Thurs​day,​ Dec. 4. It has moved​ a block​ to 209 Giles​ Road in Black​sburg​.​ Sound​s are still​ suppo​sed to start​ soon after​ 9 p.m. It's a house​ party​ -- no cover​,​ bring​ your own refre​shmen​ts,​ and pleas​e contr​ibute​ to the DCS&​TH trave​l fund jug (and maybe​ buy one of their​ relea​ses too)​.​

thank​s,​ back to yr regul​arly sched​uled huzwi​t --


hey folks​

anoth​er month​ almos​t upon us, anoth​er show annou​nceme​nt.​ huzza​h huzza​h!​

first​ly:​ thank​s to all who showe​d up to the jack rose/​twigs​ throw​down on the
14th!​ it was a lot of fun.

this one promi​ses to be a doozy​ as well.​ this thurs​day,​ dec. 4th at 9pm, the
black​ twigs​ and the fine chaps​ at 202 turne​r stree​t in black​sburg​,​ va. will host d. charl​es speer​ and the helix​,​ a choog​lin'​ acid-​fried​ count​ry rokk unit from new york city.​ d charl​es himse​lf,​ along​ with helix​ membe​rs dave nuss and jason​ meagh​er,​ are also membe​rs of the criti​cally​ accla​imed free-​impro​v group​-​chuff​ exper​ience​ known​ as the no-​neck blues​ band (one of my perso​nally​ fav bands​ of ever,​ and you know this!​)​,​ and lead guita​r dutie​s in the helix​ are manne​d by none other​ than the revel​atory​ marc orlea​ns of subur​ned hand of the man, enos slaug​hter,​ et al.

but don'​t expec​t too much skron​k and doof -- d. charl​es and his band are a
swing​in'​ song-​based​ proje​ct that bring​s to mind those​ link wray count​ry recor​ds and waylo​n jenni​ngs at his most twist​ed.​ but judge​ for yours​elf:​ you can check​ out d. charl​es'​ solo tunes​ @ his myspa​ce (www. myspa​ce.​ com/​dchar​lessp​eer) and the group​ rocke​rs at their​ offic​ial websi​te (http:​/​/​www.​ dchar​lessp​eer.​ com).

d. charl​es and his merry​ men will join with local​ corn-​slurp​in stomp​ facto​ry the
black​ twigs​ at some point​ for group​ inter​preta​tions​ of.​.​.​ wait for it.​.​.​ solo jack rose tunes​!​ we'​re an inces​tuous​ bunch​,​ what can we say? and there​'​ll be a solo twigs​ set as well,​ natch​.​

so after​ youve​ check​ed out teddi​'​s exhib​it at xyz that eveni​ng (​6pm-​9pm i
belie​ve?​ can someo​ne comfi​rm?​)​,​ move as a singl​e stagg​ering​ unit towar​ds 202 turne​r where​ the festi​vitie​s will be start​in'​ up. no charg​e at the door,​ but
come with enoug​h sheke​ls in yr pocke​t for the gas donat​ion jar (not to menti​on LPs and CDs avail​able from both bands​!​)​.​ this event​ is gener​ally b.​y.​o.​b.​ as per usual​.​

so to recap​:​



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Magic Twig Update

(Magic Twig group photo by Joe The Scientist)

Those marvelous Magic Twiggers from rockin' Roanoke posted the following MySpace bulletin earlier this week. It offers a nice overview of what's happening with that community these days ...


2008 is about​ to end. Thank​ Power​ Circl​e!​ It has been a quite​ a year for us. We have found​ new Fortr​ess and recor​ded a few album​s and playe​d a few shows​ and met some frien​ds along​ the way. Heres​ some detai​ls of thing​s comin​g your way.

The Young​ Sincl​airs have just relea​sed 3 album​s.​ Tough​ Face,​ India​n Winte​r and O Bumme​r.​
We made 25 of each!​ They will be avail​able on the Magic​ Twig myspa​ce as well as The Young​ Sincl​airs page this comin​g week so keep an eye out!

The Young​ Sincl​airs are also relea​sing "​Songs​ of The Young​ Sincl​airs"​ on Kinde​rcore​ Recor​ds digit​ally and in LP forma​ts.​ It will be a compi​latio​n of songs​ from their​ prior​ album​s as well as a few unrel​eased​ songs​.​ With this Kinde​rcore​ is also relea​sing 5 of The Young​ Sincl​airs album​s digit​ally from their​ websi​te.​

The Young​ Sincl​airs are now finis​hing the last touch​es of "​Chime​ys"​

The Sad Cobra​s are about​ to recor​d an EP of favor​ites Gag Balls​,​ 250 lb Lover​ and Color​ Beams​ to name a few. Even possi​bly a split​ with Hot Lava. They have made 25 more copie​s of the beaut​ifull​y envel​oping​ NO MORE GRAVE​S. So get it just in time for the holid​ays

SUN KING!​ was also in the studi​o recor​ding "The Rose Cerem​ony"​ that will be out early​ 2009.​ It was recor​ded 1 year after​ their​ previ​ous album​ Dream​y of the Sunch​ildre​n. Get their​ first​ album​ befor​e they'​re gone.​ Only a few left!​ Also in 2009 expec​t SUN KING!​'​s first​ 2 album​s back to back on LP

The Missi​onari​es also put the finis​hing touch​es on their​ first​ relea​se "​Dark Anima​ls"​ and are curre​ntly writi​ng the follo​w up. You can hear a new tune calle​d "​What canno​t be Broke​n"​ on their​ myspa​ce.​
We sold out of the first​ run but have made 15 more!​ Get them while​ they sleep​

Turbo​ P got mono and has piece​d toget​her a dance​ craz in Germa​ny.​ He has a new track​ up and is rumor​ed to be worki​ng with membe​rs of Boys Lie in the studi​o.​

Also in the land of recor​ding John is worki​ng with The Basta​rds of Fate in The Mysti​c Fortr​ess.​ YAY!

In other​ news The Magic​ Twig Commu​nity Super​ Frien​ds Fest was a blurr​y blast​ of great​ music​ from the area!​
Readi​ng Ranbo​w
Hot LAva
Sound​ House​s
The Basta​rds of Fate
Root Stone​
Sun KING!​
The Young​ Sincl​airs
The Sad Cobra​s
all did a great​ job and the day was beaut​iful with leave​s falli​ng in the in light​!​

Thank​s to all who care and suppo​rt us. I'm sure i left some thing​s out. Keep an eye out for the golde​n sun of bells​ and rhyme​.​


PS- We just maile​d out all previ​ous order​s.​ Enjoy​!​

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Video Lava

(Hot Lava at Toad's Place/ MySpace)

Toggle Switch readers know my affection for Richmond's Hot Lava. I like them so much I'd like to get them to play in my living room for my birthday in January, but I haven't actually talked to my wife about this. And it might upset the dog. So for now, we can all just enjoy this nice video for the band's song "Brainex."

Thursday, November 20, 2008

More Discovery

(Mountain Goats photo/MySpace)

The Spring Session of the Discovery concert series at the Attucks Theatre in Norfolk includes a few folks who have already played the market -- but there's still some really good stuff here. The highlight for me is the Mountain Goats -- who I've wanted to see live for years.

Kathleen Edwards – Feb. 21
Theresa Anderson – March 6
Shemekia Copeland – March 7
Mountain Goats with John Vanderslice – March 20
Corey Harris – March 21
Josh Ritter Band – April 3
John Hammond – April 10
Kenny “Blues Boss” Wayne – April 18

I'll get back to you about the ticket details.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kibbles and Bits

(Blitzen Trapper photo by jade harris)

Tonight, I offer a few tidbits for your consumption:

Thing No. 1. I see on a MySpace bulletin that the dear, beloved Half Shell in Virginia Beach will continue booking music at least through December. Ben from the Shell sent out this message: "i was told to conti​nue booki​ng decem​ber so thats​ a good sign.​ we have food back to norma​l and will be open for lunch​ again​ next week so come suppo​rt!​ also looki​ng to do big shows​ in dec so hit me up now so we can keep the venue​ runni​ng."

Thing No. 2. Iron & Wine play The NorVa tomorrow. That's good. Even better is that Blitzen Trapper is the opening act. I've wanted to see those guys ever since my man Joe Atkinson turned me onto them awhile back.

Thing No. 3. The always entertaining Southern Culture on the Skids is set to play The Jewish Mother on Thursday night. That show and Dexter Romweber's visit to the Taphouse this weekend make up a sort of unintentional Chapel Hill roots rock extended weekend. Raise hell and show your ass appropriately.

Thing No. 4. Mas Y Mas will be back at The Boot on Friday, on a bill with Benjy Ferree and Shortstack. For more on that show, go here.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feeling the Feedback

(Paul Curreri, MySpace photo)

For awhile now, I've been wanted to give some props to some excellent music blogs from elsewhere in this great state of ours. Through the magic of the Internets, you can watch video of some of Virginia's finest musicians doin' their thang.

Today, I looked in on the site for C-Ville, the Charlottsville news-arts weekly and read up on several months of Feedback, a blog by Brendan Fitzgerald. In addition to posting about concerts around Hooville, Fitzgerald also has area bands come by the paper's offices where he shoots video of them performing. A session with acoustic guitarist and songwriter Paul Curreri was particularly good -- quirky lyrics with strong singing and fantastic finger picking. If you like freak folk, Curreri is worth checking out. As an aside, this video shows him backing fellow Charlottesville musician Devon Sproule during a trip to England.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Short Bus to 2009

(Poster from MySpace)

Yeah, it's a bit early to be thinking about New Years Eve. But this show is unusual enough to get my attention. The following came as an e-mail today:


Richmond 's First Ever Roots Music New Years Spectacular!
Ring in 2009 with three of Richmond 's best acoustic music ensembles. WIth a champagne toast, and all the wild dancing you can muster!

Jackass Flats - Richmond 's favorite high-energy progressive bluegrass quartet.
A Good Natured Riot - Eclecti-grass supergroup
The Fox Hunt - Martinsburg WV = new-oldtime music

and ...

Special Ed & the Shortbus - Richmond 's beloved, internationally acclaimed, absurdist stringband, in their final Richmond (or anywhere!) appearance before retiring the bandname forever (for more on this, please email

Wednesday, December 31st (New Year's Eve)
The Canal Club - Richmond VA
$15 in advance (from Plan 9 or Canal Club Website), $20 at the door, includes midnight champagne toast.

18+, 7:30 Doors, 8:00 music


Monday, November 10, 2008

Fest Fever

(MySpace photo)
It's late and I'm short on time, so just two quick notes, only very loosely related.
Tonight, I've been reading about two rock festivals featuring some very fine Virginia bands.

Fest No. 1 -- Something called Ghost of Pop 4 is scheduled for Dec. 12 at Gallery 5 in Richmond. It features a gang of indie-pop/rock acts including Hot Lava, Prabir and the Substitutes, David Shultz and the Skyline, Palominos, Orioles and Awesome Few. I can attest to the niceness of all but the last two bands listed -- I haven't seen the Orioles or the Awesome Few. I'll try to find out more about this post what I learn soon. (Addendum: the Awesome Few is Marshall Costan's band. I haven't seen Marshall live, but I like his nifty Internet songs.)

Fest No. 2 -- Something called Rebellion USA will bring a stampede of punk bands to Steppin' Out in Virginia Beach on Nov. 29. Bands I'm familiar with include The Unabombers, The Hydeouts, The Nerve Scheme. Ones I don't know squat about include D.H.H., Corner's Cut, Underground District, Fujiwara and The Screws. It's an all-ages show. Doors will open at 3 p.m.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sam's lament

(Hammer No More the Fingers photo from MySpace)

Because I'm still fighting a nasty cold, I'm missing not one, but THREE good shows tonight. I actually had tickets to see Mark Kozelek tonight at the Attucks. No. Can. Do. But there were several other great choices -- Hot Lava up in Williamsburg, Little Trooper at the Norfolk Taphouse.

Since there's no live music in my present, I'll look forward to the future.

The Mas Y Mas boys sent me this message a few weeks ago:


It's been a moment since we've played the area, but we're going to be
putting a show on with two great out-of-towners on WEDNESDAY, NOV 12 @ The
Taphouse, starting around 10. Who are we playing with, you ask? What, is
Mas Y Mas not enough? Socialist. Anyways,

ROYAL BANGS are coming back to town (, I'm pretty
sure you were at that show, but they're pretty great live, one of those
bands that sounds like their recordings. We don't know how to do that.

HAMMER NO MORE THE FINGERS ( make it really hard to make
a good flyer (thanks for the name, guys), but I've included one of the
five different prints we've done for the show; they're a great three-piece
from NC that we've been trying to bring down for a while, and are another
one of those bands that are all about high quality recording- they just
completed a record with J. Robbins from Inner Ear Studios (? I DONT KNOW
SOMETHING ABOUT D.C. HERE ?!?!) which I'm sure won't make a difference at
all. Oops, not supposed to say what you really think this time of year, it
could get you in trouble.


I'm happy to see that Mas Y Mas is playing with Hammer No More the Fingers -- because my old band The Floating Children played with those guys in Chapel Hill, N.C. earlier this year at the farewell to Schoolkids Records show.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


(Toggle Switch photo of Billy Bragg with The Watson Twins at the Attucks Theatre, Norfolk, Oct. 30)

I'm still trying to get my head around the presidential election. The fact that our nation has made such a leap forward makes me, frankly, a bit weepy. But one of the pre-election moments I'll always remember is hearing Billy Bragg last week at the Attucks Theatre. Musically, Billy was sharp. More on that later.
He was also very funny -- I could do a post just on his banter. And his between-song political chatter (as you would expect, there was a lot of it) included several gems. Looking forward to what he predicted would be an Obama victory, he warned against the cynicism that would surely set in after the honeymoon period ends. He said, and I paraphrase: "Mark my words, within 18 months after he takes office, people will say, 'Obama is no better than Bush.'" He said the key is to guard against that cynicism and to be ready to push our leaders back in the right direction when we see them wander off the path.

He also said that America electing a black president would be a wonderful message to send to the rest of the world.

At that, someone from the balcony yelled, "It's not that he's the black candidate, it's that he's the right candidate."

Billy said, yes, Obama was the better candidate. But he stressed that from the perspective of Europe and the rest of the globe, the symbolism of a black chief executive would be powerfully positive.

Bragg said that folks in the rest of the world get weary of the United States describing itself as extraordinary. "But then once in awhile you do something truly extraordinary. So here's to you," Bragg said, or words to that effect. He went on to say, "What are the chances of Britain electing a black prime minister? Zero. France, Germany? Zero."

Now, getting back to the music, I'll just say that I was knocked out. I have not been crazy about Bragg's last few records. Even going back to the "Mermaid Avenue" records recorded with Wilco, I found his songs lacking. So I was concerned that this, my first Billy Bragg concert, would be a disappointment. My worries evaporated the very second Bragg walked on stage and plugged in.

In a wide-legged, Steve Jones-style stance, he ripped into "Help Save the Youth of America" sounding as fierce as ever. He followed that with "Farm Boy" from his new album "Mr. Love & Justice" then "Greetings to the New Brunette." His voice sounded full, strong and in-tune. Most of the set was electric, although he did pick up an acoustic guitar for a set of tunes in the middle of the show, including an excellent version of "Sexuality." For me, the highlights were "The Saturday Boy" and "The Milkman of Human Kindness" and "There is Power in a Union."

Billy's 50 now -- he turns 51 next month. But he still feels the fire.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fear of Music

(Photo by Patty McDonald)

Sorry for the delay in posting. I get pretty excited about Halloween so my attention has been diverted from Toggle Switch fun and games to crafting a frightening environment on our front porch for candy-craving neighborhood youngsters. In lieu of some shocking Virginia music news, I'm going to hit you with a couple of lists of recommended Halloween music and movies. I hope something here makes your weekend more creepy.

Behold, friends, my Unsettling Halloween Playlist ....

"I Put a Spell on You" Sreamin' Jay Hawkins
"Unfolding" Feralcatscan
"Electric Funeral" Black Sabbath
"We're All Mad Here" Tom Waits
"Back Juju" Alice Cooper
"Boris the Spider" The Who
"Can't Find My Mind" The Cramps
"Quartet No. 8: I. Largo" Kronos Quartet
"Lie Down" The Handsome Family
"Blood Bitch" Cocteau Twins

... and my 10 Favorite Halloween Weekend Movies

"Sleepy Hollow" (Johnny Depp)
"Nosferatu" (1922)
"Young Frankenstein"
"The Exorcist"
"Blair Witch Project"
"Sweeney Todd" (Johnny Depp with Tim Burton, again)
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"
"Night of the Living Dead"
"The Ring"