Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sounds Like Smithfield

Happy 2008, y'all. For me, the most exciting news of the new year so far is that guitarist Will Kimbrough is going to play a solo concert in Smithfield on Jan. 22. Kimbrough is an ax man with one bootheel in country (the guy lives in Nashville) and the other in rock 'n' roll (his MySpace Page lists Alex Chilton and Giant Sand as influences.) As a solo act, Kimbrough's maintains a pretty low profile, but he's produced records for Todd Snider and his songs have been recorded by big acts including Jimmy Buffett (but if you feel queasy about Buffett, don't hold that against him.)
I've never seen Kimbrough live and his gig in Smithfield should be a cool introduction. I wish he was coming with a band -- he'd get to show off his electric guitar chops more. But I'm sure this is going to be a good one.
By the way, Kimbrough's latest disc is called "Americanitis" and it includes some sharp political commentary.


leelee said...

woo hoo! blog that ish, homie! :)

Anonymous said...

Sammy -- way to go man. Is this on the QT or are the high sheriffs aware? You can count on my unwavering support.

Sam McDonald said...

Thanks for reading, Doc and LeeLee. I'm referring all legal questions to my attorney, Mike Holtzclaw.