Saturday, January 19, 2008

Waiting for the Kiss

Richmond's Prabir and the Substitutes ride a Sixties-style wave of melody and harmony -- without sounding like they're surfing through the past. That's quite a trick -- a balancing act that scores of band can't pull off. I first heard the band opening for Dr. Dog in Williamsburg and was knocked out from the start. They've got great 5-part vocal harmonies, catchy songs and a sense of adventure. When I caught them at PFAC a couple of months ago, Prabir even worked a few Frank Sinatra favorites into the set -- which frankly didn't work that well, but you've got to respect the attempt.
Earlier this month, the Washington, D.C., entertainment Web site Brightest Young Things, published a cool feature about Prabir which included the band's main man talking about the inspiration behind some of the band's tracks including "The Kiss" and "Five Little Pieces." You can listen to the tracks, too.

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