Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pagan River Blues

Sheryl Warner and the Southside Homewreckers are an acoustic blues trio dedicated to making authentic Southern music with modern flair. The Richmond-based group has released a new CD titled "Ride the Blinds." The disc includes their versions of blues tunes by Robert Lockwood Jr., Blind Willie McTell, Sonny Boy Williamson, the Rev. Gary Davis and Memphis Minnie. They also do "One Way Gal," a tune written by William Moore. While born in Georgia, Moore spent much of his life running a barber shop in Tappahannock, Virginia. "Paramount Records recorded him in 1928," the disc's line notes explain. "How they even knew of him and his music is a mystery."
It's no mystery how the Southside Homewreckers know about artists like Moore. This trio has done its homework.
The group features:
Sheryl Warner on vocals
Gregg Kimball on guitar, banjo and vocals
Rick Mason on harmonica and vocals

Sheryl Warner and the Southside Homewreckers are scheduled to perform a free, outdoor concert at the Smithfield Times newspaper in Smithfield at 8 p.m., Friday, July 18.

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