Wednesday, July 30, 2008


(Threatening pirate art by Seamonster)

The Virginia Beach freaky folk singer Todd Adrian Seamonster writes lovely, weird, mostly acoustic tunes that remind me in general tone of the wonderful Neutral Milk Hotel. It looks like Mr. Seamonster is also Mr. Scribblemonster. He posted the following bulletin this week:

"hey there seamonster friends!
head on over to my etsy page to snag a new casual poet mini-comic!
it collects two months of strips from my big cross-country seamonster tour!
there are also lots of tiny drawings for sale there too!
lotsa love,

At the Etsy page, you'll see cartoons of smiling mountains, bulbous ghosts, a cute robot, a guitar duck, you know, the normal stuff. The aforementioned "Casual Poet" tour diary will set you back about $5.

***Addendum: Seamonster is performing Aug. 5 (Tuesday) with The Never and Deleted Scenes at The Boot.

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