Sunday, July 20, 2008

You Bastards!

(MySpace photo by Jordan Saul)
I could write a book about the music I heard on Saturday, but here's the executive summary:
The Bastards of Fate from Roanoke are an amazing live rock band -- performance art freakout, punk howl, dance party, and chaotic fertility rite all rolled into one. From listening to Doug Cheatwood's music online and from his disc "More Than a Dozen Songs," I knew to expect a wild collage of electronic bleeps and guitar squawnk. But I couldn't have fully envisioned the scope and open-throttle force of the live show. Cheatwood reminds me of a cross between Iggy Pop and David Byrne -- with maybe a little Andy Kaufman thrown in. He throws himself into his performance with little regard to life and limb. In that way, Saturday night's show at The Boot reminded me of a very memorable Buttsteak performance I saw at King's Head Inn about 13 years ago. I'm amazed that Cheatwood's band was able to successfully harness the wild energy of the songs.
And while the Bastards were the night's revelation for me, I should also credit Hampton Roads' own wonderful Mas Y Mas, who rose to the the occasion with probably the most intense set I've heard from them.
Mas Y Mas and the Bastards of Fate are definitely two of the top rock bands in Virginia. Hearing them together on one night sent shards of my brain flying high over the Great Dismal Swamp and low through the strip malls of Denbigh.
More, please.


Anonymous said...

That show was absolutely great. DCATBOF and Mas Y Mas should do a little tour together.

Anonymous said...

Agreed - this was definitely the greatest spectacle and energy of any show I've seen for a long time. I even got a squiggly rubber worm like thing that Cheatwood slung out into the audience. Happy Birthday to Me!

Misty Beethoven said...

Wow, you guys sure have some big boners for those bands!
Matt said I would have liked it, I'm sorry that I'm an old fogey and that I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was a great show and I had a great time, maybe too much so, judging from my headache the next day. It was good to see you all this weekend. Jimmy

Anonymous said...

It was a good time, fo sho. I stood front row and marveled at the cumulative chaos. Very very entertaining.